Expertise in Kidney Transplant

Kidney transplant surgery has a high long-term success rate and is considered the best treatment for kidney failure. Patients generally require only 4-6 days of hospitalization for renal transplant surgery. Most health insurance policies cover kidney transplant surgery, including costs associated with a living donor transplant. In order to be considered for kidney transplant, you must be individually evaluated. Once you are determined to be a candidate for transplant, you can receive a kidney either through a deceased donor or a living donor. There are several different types of living donation, and living donor transplant has a higher long-term success rate.

Dr.Jigar Shrimali is one of the most experienced and progressive nephrologists in the nation. He has vast experience in the field of renal transplantation. His goal is to offer improved quality of life to kidney patients facing kidney failure and dependence on dialysis. He continuously advocate for patients and participate in the newest research and surgical options to offer the most transplant opportunities.

Kidney Transplant includes :

  • Assessment of both recipients and donors
  • Pre- and Post-operative management of transplant patients
  • Long term management of kidney transplanted patients
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